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By: Carol Chen, British Columbia Institute of Technology, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Italy and Austria

People always say that travelling changes your life and that it opens up your eyes. As cliche as it sounds, I really found this to be true during the European field school in Austria and Italy.

The biggest impact the field school had on me, was the opportunity it provided me to show independence. As funny as it sounds, I am a 26-year-old who is still afraid of moving out and being alone. Going on this three week trip to Europe helped to lighten that fear. It was not only my first trip in Europe, but also my first time travelling without any friends or family. This helped me challenge...

Category: Student Blog
Drew Moffatt
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By: Drew Moffatt, British Columbia Institute of Technology, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship, member of the Writer and Residence Team

When I moved abroad my biggest priority was to maximize all my free time towards travelling. I was on a strict schedule with balancing 6 classes, so I knew I had to make the most of it. In addition to that, I was on a very limited budget (as the EUR is not so friendly to the CAD). With technology today, it is honestly crazy what you can all accomplish from your fingertips. So I am here to tell you the top 5 apps that I used when studying abroad to help maximize my time and money.

  1. Google Calendar – it will be your best organization friend. It is extremely user-friend...
Category: Writers In Residence
Liam Grigg, University of Victoria
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Liam Grigg, University of Victoria, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Sophia Antipolis, France

Having travelled alone for over a year, there are so many things that I have experienced that none of my friends were there to experience. When coming home, it is easy for anyone to immediately want to go into a lengthy, expansive storytelling; however, I have discovered that many people don’t actually want to sit and listen to all of the adventures. Although friends and family are interested, it can be difficult to relate to these stories, causing people to only being able to listen to so much. Life for everyone continues without me. Which sounds like a very normal and obvious idea, but yet there’s a...

Category: Student Blog
Drew Moffatt, past scholarship winner
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We have collaborated with Study and Go Abroad to offer the fall 2018 Stories from Abroad Scholarship. Don't miss out on this opportunity and apply by Friday, October 26, 2018, for a chance to receive $1,000!

For more information, look for Stories from Abroad: $1000 British Columbia Study Abroad Scholarship on Financial Aid


  1. You are currently enrolled at a BCSA Consortium institution; and,
  2. You are currently enrolled in a short-term study abroad program or have been accepted into a short-term study abroad...
Category: News Article
